Mothers come in all different forms: biological, foster, adoptive, and more. And all of these types of mothers are equally valid and important. Let’s take a deep dive into the lives and recipes of some of the most famous women throughout history.
Diana, Princess of Wales, is known to many as “The People’s Princess,” but she was also a devoted mother to her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. She was an activist for people who had been “shunned”‘ from society, including LGBTQ+ people, the homeless, and people diagnosed with AIDS. She is credited, in part, for modernizing the monarchy. Diana’s favourite dessert recipe was Bread and Butter Pudding, made by Chef Darren McGrady. Here is the recipe:
Dolly Parton is one of America’s most famous singers. She is also a philanthropist and actor, and is known for bridging the gap between country and pop music, and major singers have followed her example, including Taylor Swift. She did not have children, but she was the fourth oldest out of twelve children, and she and her husband helped raise her younger siblings. She is also very close with her nieces and nephews, and she and her husband Carl have earned the name “Aunt Granny” and “Uncle Peepaw.” Her mother used to make her famous Banana Pudding, and neighbors would let Dolly’s mother know when bananas would go on sale in the supermarket, just so she could make this delicious dessert. Here’s the recipe:
Of course, there are countless other wonderful mothers, both famous and not, who have wonderful recipes, but these are two memorable ones. Tell your mother you love her, and to all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day!